Rather than being like a sponge this feels more like one of those gel pads you use in your high heels to stop your feet from completely dying. But it's thicker. In fact it feels rather wonderful - like a make-up related stressball.
There are some major pros to this product. You lose no product when using this, all of it goes directly onto your face and any tiny amount that doesn't is very easily washed off. You just need to rinse it in warm water and soap. Because no product, or anything, is absorbed into it then there is nothing to go off, encourage bugs or whatever other horrors can happen to more traditional make-up sponges. You don't have to worry about drying it in a certain way as you do with brushes. This also means you should technically save money as you will end up using less product and fewer brushes and sponges. It feels lovely to apply make-up with and although the price seems quite high you should, in theory, be able to use this for a very long time.
However, I found that it didn't blend the edges of my make-up that nicely and although those people who are fans of it say that it takes a while to get used to and then it's fab, I feel very happy sticking to my hundreds of brushes and my much beloved Beauty Blenders. This does have plenty of celeb fans though (including Chrissy Teigan) so if you are a bit grossed out by blenders and don't get the finish you want with brushes why don't you give this a go?
What You Need to Know - MakeupDrop Silicone Beauty Applicator
- £14
- Suits all skin types
- For use with cream/liquid products
- Available in the UK from Boots
- Available from MakeupDrop
I was sent this product but the choice to feature it was my own and this is an honest review
Some links are affiliate links which means I will get a small commission if you click through and buy from them. There is no extra cost to you and if you are not comfortable with that then do feel free to open a separate window and google the product for yourself
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