The nail painting was and is beautifully done. Nearly a week later having been barefoot through sand and be-flip flopped for most of the time not only is there not a chip in sight but they are still really shiny. For me the important thing is the massage of which there was barely a rub. I looked on enviously at Miss F's 1 minute massage and wished I could ask for longer but I'm British, and she'd already started applying the varnish.
The file was not vigorous enough either - both of us had dry skin left over afterwards although the hot foot soak with oats was lovely and really did soften our feet up. However, I can paint and soak my feet myself but rubbing and filing are not so easy. Miss F did manage to finally track down the most orange of orange nail varnishes - you can now see her feet coming from miles away. I really loved the experience but we'll be trying Miss F's usual place in the months to come to see how their £20 one compares. A little too favourably I think... xx