I've been feeling slightly uninspired of late as the recession really has hit our house and my usual product treats have all but dried up. I then realised that this blog was not solely set up for the purpose of reviewing things so I really have no excuse and should pull my finger out (as my mum would say).

The good thing about having to tighten our belts means that I am finally using all the bits of make-up and tubs of cream that I've had for ages, used twice and then forgotten about having moved on to the next thing. So, poverty has driven me to fall in love with some things all over again and experiment more with how I use them. I realise that maybe I'd got stuck in a make-up rut and I really should be keeping my hand in with different trends.

One product I'm now using most days is Bourjois Suivez mon Regard eye shadow in Illuminateur. I had a massive love in with these years ago and then, as usual, got distracted by something else and never really used them again. Illuminateur is a lovely whitey, silver colour so really good for subtle everyday use or as a base for smokey eyes. It goes with everything so it's really useful if you're trying something a bit daring with other colours but want a safe base. I have this in brown, pink and blueish white too so I'm definitely going to start using those colours again too.
I've also unearthed my not-so-old Laura Mercier bronzer which is great for building up a bit of colour on your face and is easily adaptable depending on what time of year it is. And I'm trying to keep my obsessive mascara buying under control by using the many I already have. This may sound normal but I have at least ten that I've used a bit of and then just got distracted away from by a newer one that I 'must try'. I'm finishing off my Max Factor Masterpiece Max which is one of my top three favourite mascara's, and I've unearthed a L'Oreal Extra Volume Collagene which looks new and I think I used once and then thought it was probably one of those ones that was better having been left open for a couple of months. It's not bad! Not one of the best and you do need an eyelash comb to get some of the clumps out. I'm quite enjoying these trips down memory lane xx