Tuesday 3 February 2009


Hurrah - for once the weather was on my side... well sort of. Although I trudged my way to work through the snow I did get to go home early so I went to the lovely Miss M's to get my jeans taken up (she's a sewing machine whizz). Perfect. We spent the afternoon pinning trousers and watching crap TV whilst marvelling at the snow. This made me a little less cross that everyone else in the world seemed to have stayed home all day to play in the snow and I'd hauled ass to Hammersmith. Still, wearing my new perfectly fitting jeans makes it a lot better!

I think the snow made everyone behave like it was a national holiday. There were snowmen everywhere (I saw Bill Bailey's... it was pretty good) and some semi-naked men were having some sort of flat party at 9am as I waded past (the snow going over the top of my wellies... where are my Hunters when I need them?). Is it wrong that I wish it had carried on for two days? yes I know the country seemed to grind to a halt even though we knew the snow was on its way but a day of nesting warmly in my basement in front of the tele is something I think I've earned. I need to practise being more serene for next weekend...

Next weekend we go to spend the day with the vicar and other to-be-married couples. We have lunch and I think the vicar talks to us but we also have to talk to a Relate councillor. Is it irrational that this makes me APOPLECTIC WITH RAGE? I can understand talking to the vicar, we are after all getting married in his church and using the good old vows but frankly a Relate councillor is a step to far. I'm sure they want us to be as prepared as possible for marriage and the issues it will bring but I would rather deal with those issues as and when they arise (and I know they will I'm not stupid) rather than someone else making the assumption for me that I need to speak to someone to be made aware of the possible problems. Leave it alone, if it ain't broke don't try to fix it.

This week will involve a lot of practise smiling and looking interested... starting now xx

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