I am in
constant battle with my nose pores. I’m sure no one else thinks they’re that
massive but I feel like my face is a supermassiveblackhole of nose pores, just
waiting to suck in all environmental foulness, getting ever bigger, till my
face is nothing but one giant nose pore, scaring people and making them cry.
product is very smooth and light and, unlike some other pore minimisers and
mattifiers I’ve tried doesn’t feel like it adds another layer of product to
your face – my pet hate – and rather just kinds of disappears into the skin
ether, taking a good percentage of nose pores with it. It improves the
appearance of my pores without erasing them so entirely that I looked like a
plastic-faced Hollywood wannabe, but with a slap of of tinted moisturiser on
top even by the end of the day I’m not delivering any significant shine, and
nor are my pores snapping hungrily at any passing person.
What You Need to Know - Benefit The Porefessional
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