Since the arrival of Johnson's Holiday Skin I have made a point of trying out that and all similar products on the market. Johnson's caused my slightly sensitive skin to itch so although it worked (in a slightly orange way) I felt it my skin wasn't happy with it so what the hell, I'd try all the other choices. The Dove Summer Glow smelt ok (better than the Johnson's which they have just bought out 'smell-free') but after using it for two weeks and still being pasty white I lost all faith in it. I've recently tried it again to the same disappointing results. However, this is Mumma
B's self-tanning moisturiser of choice so it clearly does work for some. Garnier SummerBody was next on my list and this was my favourite so far based completely on the way it smells. I'd like to say that this left me looking like the sun-kissed beauties on the adverts but it did not. It left me smelling nice but still looking like I'd spent the summer sunbathing on my east facing roof terrace in London. Again I re-tried this recently to no avail. I'm still valiantly persevering with the Garnier SummerFace but having gone for a foundation consultation recently and been recommend 'Ivory' I can't say that it's made any difference at all.
Have I been put off spending my money on these products? No. Today I was seen back in
Boots examining my options and wondering whether itchy red lumps were really so bad if they appeared on rather orange (rather than see-through) skin. Had Mu
mma B been closer to hand rather than examining the vitamins a couple of aisles away I may have saved myself a valuable £5.99 but no. Instead I found myself leaving with a bottle of L'Oreal NutriSummer Tone-Up
for 'medium skin' (whatever that means). Not only does this give a 'gradual sun-kissed look' but it contains caffeine which will apparently help banish my cellulite. I have to say that although I'm an advocate of using products which are good for you I'm not sure that caffeine sounds like a particularly health conscious option. But I'm determined to make an effort to look good before the summer rather than being taken by surprise as always and therefore blinding people with my glaring skin as I wheel out my summer wardrobe.
I really want to try Vani-T's Body Bronzing Mist. It's 99% organic and is an immediate tan which gives a honey glow whilst moisturising. Available for at
Austique for £24 this may be the easiest and most skin-friendly option. In fact instant tan may be my only option after the self-tanning disappointments of the past but I'll keep you posted. xx
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