Wednesday 7 December 2016

Joan Collins Timeless Beauty Ten Effects

Although I have much admired the Joan Collins make-up range when I've seen it in Harrod's I haven't actually got round to trying it so I was very pleased when asked to try this Ten Effects make-up fixer for a review.

Make-up fixing sprays are a strange thing. A good one, used correctly can increase the longevity of your make-up but most of them spritzed directly on top of your make-up won't do much at all. So it's taken me a while to review this one.

Ten Effects claims to; hydrate, firm, refine wrinkles, minimise pores, improve skin tone, add a pH balancing layer to your skin, soften, calm redness, lock-in makeup and cool. That's a lot of claims and some are very vague and hard to judge - you can't actually see your skins pH being balanced for instance. I also think that if you wear any kind of foundation and concealer then spritzing something over the top of that is not going to have many, if any, skincare benefits. If I buy something to benefit my skin I want it to go directly onto my skin, not seep in via my make-up.

However, I have been spritzing this onto my face immediately before applying my foundation and I've found it doesn't make me go red (most things do at the moment), does hydrate, and actually does help my make-up look fresher for longer. One thing I've found it really helps with is when I use a tinted moisturiser that for me is just not fluid enough if I spritz this onto my face first it dramatically improves the way the tinted moisturiser blends into the skin. I wouldn't use my Hourglass Hyaluronic Skin tint without using this first now.

It has some very nice ingredients - comfrey (calming), hyaluronic acid and vitamin E which are hydrating and softening. It also contains rose water which I think is one of the main ingredients - something I am personally not a fan of (it makes me red and I don't like the smell) so if you are not a rose fan this may not be one for you. 

It's also very nice if you are going foundation free but want to conceal some areas to use this first, on top of your moisturiser. It will help you blend the concealer in and gives a lovely freshness to the skin. I did, for the sake of this review, spray it over my make-up and while I think it did maybe help the longevity of my base a bit its quite a strong spray and will affect your eye make-up if it's not waterproof - best to spray it slightly over your face while looking up.

Either way a spritz of this during the day is going to be very refreshing whether you are wearing make-up or not and good for your skin. 

What You Need to Know - Joan Collins Ten Effects
  • £20 
  • 100ml
  • Red Algae Gel, Vitamin E, Rose Water, Hyaluronic Acid
  • Available from Joan Collins Beauty


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