I won't go into detail about the trouble I've been having with my skin since Jim arrived, you can see me blah on about it on YouTube, but to cut a long story short I've been told I have rosacea and damaged skin barrier and I have to use Environ AVST range for the foreseeable. For the past three years I have been really focusing on my skincare, working out what products work best with my skin, what doesn't work and what to use when. I was making real progress, my skin was smooth, not as dull as it had been and I was able to wear less and less foundation. But since using the Environ products, though they don't burn as much as other products, my dry skin bumps have returned on my jawline, my skin is dull and I'm generally looking less plumped and youthful as I had been. I'm not back to square one, I'm in the minuses.
Quite a few people have recommended Coconut Oil to me as a product that is not only good for your skin but good for sensitive skin so I decided to give it a try. Firstly it is a fantastic make-up remover. One of my problems with the AVST cleanser is it's not great at removing make-up and I wonder how much effect the toner and moisturiser are going to have if my make-up is not fully removed. Coconoil gets everything off, even waterproof mascara and eyeliner. It's actually pretty amazing to see how much make-up comes away. I use it as a sort of mask and first cleanse, applying it as soon as possible when I get home, rinsing off the obvious make-up and massaging in the rest of the coconut oil. Then in my bath I lightly wash my face with a soft cloth, then apply the AVST cleanser and continue from there. If I haven't been wearing any make-up then sometimes I re-apply after my bath and just go to sleep with it on.
Not only do I have the confidence that my skin is actually clean, with make-up properly removed and a minimum of scrubbing. My skin is also softer and though it's still bumpy on the jawline the bumps are softened and feel less prominent. For those who are a fan on grease on their face then this is definitely worth a try and you can, apparently cook with it too.
A word of warning this fully smells of coconut, this may sound obvious but I feel like it needs mentioning. I don't like the smell of coconut but I put up with it because this stuff is so amazing but if you hate the smell it may be something to swerve.
What You Need to Know - Coconut Oil
- Lots of different sizes available - I'm two thirds of the way through a 280g tub and I've been using it most days for 3 months
+ Can be used on your skin, hair or in your cooking - Available from lots of places but I got mine from Coconoil.co.uk
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