So I'd given up on the whole thing. I know just drench myself in perfume or lug different bottles around on holiday which is a bloody nightmare. Just before I went to South Africa however, I got sent a Travalo to try out. It looked good and the principal seemed pretty sound but I was dubious. Surely it would not work.
I was wrong. It is fantastic. Totally worth the £12.49 price tag as I'm going to use this all the time. I usually buy my scent in the airport but I'd got some at Christmas and really didn't want to lug a whole bottle of Chanel around SA as it's my winter scent daaaaarling and I only really wanted it for plane journeys and sultry nights out. So I followed the instructions (remove the spray head from your perfume, put the Travalo on top of the nozzle peg and pump it up and down to fill it) and filled the Travalo up with the really easy pump action - and without breaking my scent bottle - and that was it. There's a level indicator window to show you how much scent is in there (you don't want to overfill it) and it is completely mess free. In it went to my plane freezer bag of products and I checked it every ten minutes for signs of breakage/leaks/crapness and it was perfect.
It's now in my handbag. It is just perfect - no more dribbling your scent all over yourself and your bathroom, no more finding the lid has dropped off and your scent has been spritzed all over your handbag. It's shatterproof, aluminum coated and available in 10 different colours.
I think this would be great as a going-away present for a friend. In fact this is a great present for any of your perfume wearing friends - it is so incredibly useful I am in love xx
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