Wednesday 14 October 2015

Erborian Pink Perfect Blush

Erborian Perfect Pink BlushI have heard nothing but good things about Erborian but have never really tried anything out properly - I've tried lots on the backs on my hands but that doesn't count. If you are a follower of make-up and beauty trends you'll know that Korean brands are having a big surge here in the UK and Erborian has been at the forefront of this. They have been in Space NK for years and are one of the main 'have you tried' brands recommended to me by my friends who aren't in the make-up or skincare business.

I was really, really pleased to be sent the Pink Perfect Blush to try out though dubious as my sensitive/rosacea skin doesn't tend to suit pink-toned blushes. So how could it be perfect?

Erborian Perfect Pink BlushWell it kind of is. Because of the clever, innovative packaging and sponge applicator this not only blends well but it's hard to over-do the application meaning you can dust on the perfect amount for you. Originally I, stupidly, thought it was an old fashioned dab-the-sponge-in-the-powder arrangement - you have to unscrew the bottom, remove the plastic film, screw it all back together again and then dab the sponge. The powder comes through the holes, then up through to the sponge at the top meaning the product is pushed through the sponge making a lighter application in a larger area in small circles, not all in one place. No Milly Molly Mandy cheeks here.

As soon as I get my camera back up and running I will post a Quick Review video here as it's hard to explain without showing you, Yes I'm still sure that this 'perfect' pink won't be for everyone but speaking as someone it really shouldn't suit - pale skin, terrible redness - it's pretty impressive. It's lightweight, and gives a slight flush, a healthy glow and isn't horrible and powdery on the skin.

Really looking forward to seeing what else Erborian have in store for their make-up range.

What You Need to Know - Erborian Pink Perfect Blush
  • £26
  • One colour
  • Available in the UK from Erborian, Space NK
  • Available in Europe from Sephora

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